Latino y Flamenco Dance

Håll koll och ta steget nu!

Intensive courses around the corner

week 33 and 34 in Lund

Sign up today and take your dance to the next level!

Two intensive courses during two weeks.

Salsa & Bachata level 1

This course will give you the basics that will help you to get what you need to go out and enjoy your first latin dance adventures. If you are a beginner or have taken classes before then this course is for you. During the lessons we will teach you simple bachata and salsa moves that will help you out when gathering at a latino night club.

Salsa level 2 (intermediate/advanced)

The course for you who loves to learn new things and to be challenged.

In this course you will learn combinations from the different styles. Since our philosophy is based in that social dancing should be uniting people we want our pupils to have the capacity to dance with whoever regardless the style. That is why we teach combos from the main salsa styles.

Couple combos, some shines combos, salsa body technique or what they call styling for ladies and for men. Last but not least: rythm and musicality (that we usuallly teach in all our classes).

Those are some of the ingredients in this intensive course.

So see you soon in Lund at New York Dance, Annedalsvägen 9H

Check our poster and register today!

If you have some questions contact us via email and we will be pleased to be at your service

Våra veckokurser


Latino partymix för tonåringar

Plats: 54:an, Föreningsgatan 54 i Malmö

Datum: 27 augusti 2024

Veckodag: Tisdag

Tid: 17:15-18:15

Pris: 975:-

Antal tillfällen: 9

Arrangemangsnummer: 435625

Medarrangör: ABF Malmö

Flamenco lätt/intermediate

Plats: 54:an, Föreningsgatan 54 i Malmö

Datum: 27 augusti 2024

Veckodag: Tisdag

Tid: 19:00-20:00

Pris: 975:-

Antal tillfällen: 9

Arrangemangsnummer: 435626

Medarrangör: ABF Malmö

Salsa pardans intermediate/advanced

Plats: 54:an, Föreningsgatan 54 i Malmö

Datum: 27 augusti 2024

Veckodag: Tisdag

Tid: 20:00-21:30

Pris: 975:-

Antal tillfällen: 9

Arrangemangsnummer: 435627

Medarrangör: ABF Malmö


Privata lektioner

(enligt bokning)

Plats: Latino y Flamenco Dansstudio i Malmö

Tider: 16-19.30


Salsa blandade nivåer

Plats: New York Dance

Annedalsvägen 9H, i Lund

Datum: 4 september 2024

Veckodag: Onsdag

Tider: 20-21.30

Mer info


Flamenco nybörjare

Plats: Arnbergs dansstudio, Djäknegatan 4 i Malmö

Tider: 18-19

Antal tillfällen: 10 ggr

Kursavgift: 950 kr.

Anmälan genom att betala via Swish där du anger namn och email.

Salsa/bachata mix nybörjare

Plats: Arnbergs dansstudio, Djäknegatan 4 i Malmö

Datum: 27 augusti 2024

Veckodag: Söndag

Tid: 19-20.30

Pris: 1200

Antal tillfällen: 10

Anmälan genom att betala via Swish där du anger namn och email.